During the fall, winter, and spring, we continue offering occasional virtual and in-person programs, community conversations, etc. Please check the calendar.
Our Summer 2025 program will be available online during the first quarter of 2025. Please share program offers/ideas with

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Soccer on Demand! (Stu Ball, coach)
Stu Ball continues the long WFC tradition of all-ages, all-levels international football -- games can be scheduled on-demand based on interest and weather throughout this two-week period.
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Kilombo Novo annual retreat welcomes all to try Capoeira Angola for the first time or deepen their practice.
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NH Radical History Comes Alive! (Arnie Alpert, activist)
New Hampshire history is full of people who stepped out of line to challenge patriarchy, violence, racism, capitalism, and other forms of injustice. In many cases they took substantial risks, often suffering imprisonment, assault, even death. Sometimes they met success, other times they lit sparks that led to change over years or decades. Arnie Alpert, […]
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