Our Summer 2024 program is here! Check calendar below for specific events.
Recurring events also hold each week (June 28-September 3, 2024), including:
Sunday Evenings Games! Kicking off each week with interactive fun from charades to WFC Jeopardy! and even flashlight tag…
Tuesday Afternoons WFC Book of the Summer discussions on The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride.
Wednesday Evenings S’more community campfires. What’s more “summer” than a campfire? Stars visible. Guitars/singing welcome.
Weekday Afternoons Summer Social Justice Institute. Our social justice fellows gather to discuss social movements & justice issues. Join for a session or volunteer as a mentor!
Friday Evenings Fun Night! Bring your talents to share with our community. Music, poetry, children’s plays, bad dad jokes. Every Friday. Open to all. Sign up ahead or let the spirit move you.
Saturday Mornings* Tamworth Farmers’ Market. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! We help arrange carpooling to the best farmers’ market & local gathering place. *Occasional Saturday morning programs. Check below.
Saturday Afternoons Community conversations. We open spaces for facilitated conversations on issues dividing the left, finding resilience among the horrors of 2024, and sharing hopes/ideas for the future of World Fellowship.
Saturday Evenings* Music and poetry, contra dancing and theater. Served up coffeehouse style to round out your week or hit a weekend high note. *Check below for specifics.
- This event has passed.
Antisemitism: Where It Comes From & How It’s Used as a Political Tool (Tamara Shapiro, Diaspora Alliance)
12 August @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Antisemitism is both real and rising, and being mis-used to attack movements and initiatives for justice. In this session we will conceptualize antisemitism in the framework of a power analysis that integrates a holistic understanding about intersectional oppression and explores the role antisemitism plays in justice movements. We will review both where antisemitism came from, and how the narrative gets weaponized as a tool to disempower Black women in leadership and other marginalized communities. We will use a range of examples and explore how local grassroots communities are using a solidarity framework to reclaim ground.
Tamara Shapiro (Tammy) is an organizer and facilitator, and a trainer and advisor at Diaspora Alliance based in Brooklyn, NY. Previously, she was the Program Director for the NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives for almost a decade, and a freelance facilitator and movement trainer. She was also the coordinator of Movement Netlab and one of the lead coordinators of Occupy Sandy, a citizen-led relief effort, as well as Rockaway Wildfire and Worker Owned Rockaway Cooperatives, a community organizing project and worker-owned coop incubation project with residents hit by the hurricane, respectively. She was also a lead strategist and facilitator of the InterOccupy network, created and implemented a networked hub structure for The People’s Climate March, and worked at The Murphy Institute for Labor Studies. Back in 2009, she became the first director of J Street U soon after graduating from the University of Wisconsin, Madison with a Bachelors in International Studies.